Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ChurchJobs.net Mobile Gets New Features!

We've updated our mobile site again!  Candidates can search for and apply for jobs, and Churches can now search for and view resumes on mobile devices.

If you are a candidate and have your resume hosted on ChurchJobs.net, you can apply for jobs on your smartphone.  Your application and resume will reach the church just as if you did it on your desktop computer.

Why would a church search resumes on a mobile device?  Convenience.  When a committee member receives a notification email or a resume from ChurchJobs.net while they're on the go, they can immediately see the resume on their mobile device. It will be formatted for mobile, and they can save the job to their My ChurchJobs page, or reply to the candidate immediately.

We've also added a new Quick Search drop down on the top of page so you can quickly view job categories.

Remember to add ChurchJobs.net Mobile to your iPhone's Home Screen.

  • Go to http://m.churchjobs.net on your iPhone.
  • Click the arrow on the bottom of the screen.

  • Click the Add to Home Screen button

You'll end up with a ChurchJobs.net icon on your Home Screen.  That's it!  Now you'll be able to visit ChurchJobs.net Mobile with the tap of an icon.